breed standard meaning in English
- Each parent club creates and maintains their breed standard
每一个分会制定和修改他们自己的饲养标准。 - The canadian and american breed standards both say that white is a disqualifying fault
这就是说,在整个北美洲,白色迷你雪纳瑞自动得失去了成为赛级犬的可能。 - According to the breed standard any colour is allowed , as long as white does not dominate
根据边境牧羊犬的国际标准,只要白色不占身体主色的绝大部分,任何颜色都是被允许的。 - Breed standards come about as a result of history , function and arbitrary decision that some features make a breed - and some do not
犬种标准的形成是一个历史、功能以及对于是否属于这个犬种的特征的明辨的结果。 - While it is true that some other versions of the breed standard allow white , we in canada and the usa use our own standards as the guideline for the breed ' s development here